2018 was inaugurated by multiple oil accidents

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How long will we have to endure these environmental disasters?

Only in the first two weeks of January there were many oil spills.

In China a Panamanian ship sank after a collision with another boat: 136 thousand tons of crude oil, 32 dead sailors and the bush is expanding exponentially day by day.

Passing from West Virginia to the Tennesee where 3700 liters of crude oil leaked from a pipeline of the Norfolk Southerne company and reached the Tennesee river with important repercussions on the aquatic ecosystem in the short and long term.

And finally in Hawaii, where in the city of Pearl City 1800 liters of crude oil leaked from an underground conduit.

Negligence, lack of controls, absence of severe penalties for polluters, continuous subsidies to the fuel sector, are among the factors that feed and influence these continuous disastrous episodes for the health of people and the ecosystem.

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