4th Mission to Cerro de Pasco

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4th Mission to Cerro de Pasco

Source organized a medical mission to Cerro de Pasco!
3 Doctors are working in Cerro de Pasco taking more evidences about the health impacts on local affected residents by mining company!

More than 95 children were seen by 3 doctors of the Department of Forensic Medicine (Spain and Portugal) in order to evaluate their clinical state and provide them a therapy and prevention actions to reduce their daily chemical substances intake.

Doctors is checking clinical manifestations in children of Paraghsa, the most affected community. © Source International

We sampled children's hair and nails to give a follow up of the epidemiological study that we have already provided in 2016. More data we get, more powerfull is our voice to defend people against this giant company that violate fundamental human rights as the right to health and to drinkable water.

Open pit mine. © Source International

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