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Stay with SOURCE is the new crowdfunding campaign in which your help will be at 360 ° and will be used for all activities and objectives, day by day.
Planning the activities  year by year and reaching our pre-established objectives requires being able to count on constant funds within the organization.

We offer different ways of donating: 5 × 1000 (only for italian suppporters) and crowdfunding. But only with a RECURRING DONATION  you can help us to act where needs are urgent, with precision and determination. With the recurring donation, you help us to plan our work better and maintaining our long-term sustainability.

Since 2012 we have worked in almost all continents bringing our support to more than 180,000 people. We did it thanks to the help of hundreds of supporters motivated by a simple belief: that the right to live in a HEALTHY AND CLEAN ENVIRONMENT is a fundamental right of every human being, because our life depends on our HEALTH!

VISIT HERE THE PAGE  and you will find the English version at the bottom of the page.

So ... Stay with SOURCE!

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