As during the dictatorship of the 1970s, after forty years the pro-government strategies of Argentina and Chile use forced disappearances to eliminate those who oppose their projects, in this case capitalist.
Moldonado is an Argentine activist who for years has been fighting alongside the Mapuche Indigenous People in Patagonia in the denunciation of the expropriations operated by the Italian Benetton Family to make room for huge sheep farms to produce wool that will be used to make clothes sold worldwide according to criteria and values of equality, sustainability and ethics.
"We believe in a more just, tolerant and environmentally friendly society". Cit. Benetton
Repression and oppression of the Mapuche people by Benetton with the support of the Argentine government that foments the conflict by calling the Mapuche "terrorists" to discredit their campaigns in defense of the land and freedom.
Mapu (earth) y Che (people). If you take away the earth from an indigenous people, you are taking away everything.