The project will be focused on:
❖ Empower youth against water pollution through scientific monitoring competences
❖ Establish a Youth Forum as a common dialogue space to discuss about local environmental problems and include the local governments and local institutions to tackle solutions
❖ Involve communities on scientific topics and health prevention actions
Project participants involved:
● 30 university school students of Cerro de Pasco
● 6 teachers (mostly science but also art/literature)
In six months we will be able to:
# Have a water quality assessment of the main watershed of Cerro de Pasco: San Juan and Tingo river basins and tap water.
# Train teachers on environmental monitoring and communication of scientific data.
# Empower youth on environmental knowledge, health problems related to water pollution and communication skills.
# Empower youth in scientifically test water pollution and health effects.
# Involve community’s participation during students public events.
# Increase local authorities interest in collaborating with students in order to mitigate
water pollution and health effects.
The project will include a training to teachers and students on environmental monitoring topics including interpretation of data and report editing.
4 field activities are planned to let them sample and analyze water on field. Three different typology of water have been chosen to be studied: San Juan and Tingo river and city tap water.
The water environmental monitoring steps will used water parameters probes (pH, Temperature, Conductivity) and some field kits to measure heavy metals concentrations in water samples.
According to Covid-19 restriction and travel limitation, the project is planned to start in april 2021.