Discover our tangible 2017 results!

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Discover our tangible 2017 results!

During this 2017 we worked along 3 continents...

SOURCE International was involved in more than 6 projects on field.
This year was incredibly reach of challanges and goals!

2017 was a real succefull working year for Source International. Lots of projects in which we have been involved with a great final victory and new industrial sector, textile  - agricultural - toxic waste disposanls, towards which we have developped new studies and advocacy campaign.

We increase also our presence and visibility at local level in Italy, our country, through fairs, photographic exhibitions, meetings. Furthermore we worked with some local schools regarding urgent topics as food sovereignity and extractive impacts.

During 20°edition of the Environmental Film Festival  in Turin (Italy), the movie -made up by AdvocateCreative- about our project in Cerro de Pasco received the Award for the best short film selected.

Thanks  supporters! You are trusting in us and making all this possible!

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