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Source International is one of the GOODWINGS's NGOs partners

Goodwings is a hotel portal with the unique expeption that it does not pay marketing, nor  commercials or web advertising, with the only aim to turn the hotel industry into a driving force for sustainable changes!

They combine a love for travel with a passion for creating a more sustainable future.

They give you access to more than 365 000 hotels all over the world. For every booking they send half of our commission to projects which benefit humans and the environment. This makes it easy and free for you to support those who work towards securing a better future.

In this way, we work together towards the UNs Global Goals for Sustainable Development.



  1. Visit this link:
  2. Looking for your best hotel options
  3. Book it..let's it!

And the portal give us the half part of the commision!

How do we use these money?

We use these founds to provides high-level scientific and legal support to local communities affected by industries’ misconducts and help them to assess the damage to the community’s resources and enable them to promote restorative actions and compensations.

Your support will help us in obtain restorative actions for the city of Cerro de Pasco in Peru. The city has been listed as one of the most polluted places on earth and 100% of the children should urgently hospitalized for the presence of heavy metals in their blood.

You will support our struggle for justice for the kids of Cerro de Pasco.

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