Fundraising campaign #restorecerrodepasco

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In support of the indigenous communities of Cerro de Pasco, Peru.

#restore cerro de pasco


The inhabitants of Cerro de Pasco, in the Peruvian Andes, who live in the vicinity of an open-air megaminder , are victims of environmental, health, socio-economic impacts and violations of human rights.

The chemicals used in the various phases of mineral extraction and especially the waste products accumulated for decades in the environment have contaminated the water, the air, the soil, the water table and the vegetation. These primary resources, from which the communities depend for their subsistence, are damaged by carcinogenic, teratogenic, toxic substances for humans, for vegetation and for animals.

The damage to health and the environment is irreversible with repercussions also on the social fabric with the increase of problems such as: alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, increase in violence, extortion, increase in the proliferation of the immunodeficiency virus, especially in women who are the genus most vulnerable to side effects of megamineries.

A 2009 study of the same organization brings to light alarming data on the concentration of heavy metals in the surrounding environment with peak values ​​that exceed 1000 times the limit allowed by law.

The data of the inhabitants' blood tests are worrying: 26 µg of lead per deciliter of blood, compared to 10 µg / dl imposed by the World Health Organization. Lead damages the nervous system and the brain; it causes abortions and infertility and reduces the ability to learn in boys. In fact, 100% of the population should be hospitalized.


The project aims to analyze the health status of about 200 people through blood and hair analysis to examine the concentration of toxic substances in the body of the inhabitants of Cerro de Pasco. It is also planned to monitor the environmental quality of the area through chemical and physical analyzes of water and sediments.

With the data of our study on health and environmental monitoring we will denounce the case before the UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL (UNHRC), in particular we will submit the study to the Special Rapporteur of Toxic Waste and to the Special Rapporteur of Physical and Mental Health to ask to investigate the case of the violation of human rights to which the inhabitants of Cerro de Pasco are subject.

Source International, through the project, tries to put pressure on the local government to carry out the transfer of the city (law approved in 2008 but not yet applied) in an area free from pollution.


The campaign is online only.

  • Donate to this link:  or entering from our site on the homepage at the bottom you will find the link of the project.
  • Take a picture with the image of the campaign that you can download from our site in the download area  or you can create, the important thing is that there is written #restore cerro de pasco
  • Share it on your social profile and add the hashtag:  #restorecerrodepasco  and on the Facebook page  of Source International

If you do not have a social network, you can still send it to I returned in thanks to the project and the album of the donors of the Onlus.


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