GREEN ends, but climate change does not

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The GREEEN project ends today.

In these three years we have helped dozens of secondary schools from 11 European countries to tackle and mitigate climate change. Soon we will publish a guide for European schools to tackle and mitigate climate change, so that the schools benefited will be many more and in many more countries.

In these three years we have met six times with the other partners of the project to carry out the campaign against climate change in schools and we have awarded with the GREEEN Award two schools that, throughout Europe, have distinguished themselves for mitigation and adaptation projects to climate changes.

But unfortunately climate changes do not end.

According to all experts, 2016 will be the hottest year since global temperatures are measured. Unusual events like floods or droughts continue to happen. A few months ago we witnessed entire cities blocked by too much smog and the trend does not seem to change soon. The country that produces only a quarter of global emissions has just elected as president a person who denies the existence of climate change and who says he wants to tear up the Paris agreement.

Every year air pollution causes 3 million premature deaths. About 60 times more deaths caused by all the wars of the world together. Because this then in the end is nothing but another battle. But we can all fight together. Each of our small gestures can contribute to limiting climate change and catastrophic events. Giving up taking the car, renouncing a steak, reducing its consumption of material goods, contributing to reforestation. They are all small gestures that can help reduce climate change and the tremendous damage they are causing to the only planet we have.

But for these small gestures to take effect, we have to make them into many. And we have to do it now. Tomorrow may be too late.

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