Greenreport & Slow Revolution parlano della nostra ultima campagna!

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The online magazines  GreenReport  and  Slow Revolution   talk about SOURCE International and our latest crowdfunding campaign on Produzioni Dal Basso.

EMI, our project , is one of the 15 , out of the 200 presented, selected for Impatto + , the call promoted by  Etica Sgr , the Banca Etica Group company   that manages socially responsible mutual funds, to promote new forms of  active citizenship  and  social and environmental sustainability . The winners are given the opportunity to participate in  the fundraising  on the Produzioni da Basso platform  and, if 75% of the collection target is reached, to receive the remaining 25% from Etica Sgr thanks to the Fund for microfinance and crowdfunding.

We began to imagine #EMI_oro_e_diritti a  few months ago, when we realized that there was a strong need to inform and spread good environmental sustainability practices and ethical purchases. The idea has grown to become a photographic exhibition, still on display in Genoa, and the expenses necessary to make it itinerant have also grown!
We have invested our time and our funds, now we need a last effort. This exposure will not be sustainable without the help of many.
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