Human Rights Impact Assessment

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Second Mission to Perù for

#Restore Health in Cerro de Pasco

We came back to Peruvian Andean, to the mining city of Cerro de Pasco, to go ahead with the action to help those communties against human rights violations by the Cerro S.A.C  mine company. During the first part of this last mission we had the opportunity to have an interesting and fruitfull conversation with the Health Ministery of Perù. Thanks to this meeting, she is now working to assess the presence of lead in the blood of the children of Cerro de Pasco. An important step forward toward the recognition of the population’s dignity and needs. Waiting for results and remedies.

The open pit mine, in its continuous expansion, has prompted hundreds of families to flee their homes. today continues to pour production waste into rivers that originate from the area of Cerro de pasco and that, by scrolling and joining with others, convey pollution to a very large area.

The Punrun lagoon and all its surroundings, close to Cerro de pasco, represent a wonderful ecosystem and a source of livelihood for local communities. It has not yet been declared a protected area and is threatened by pollution produced by the mining activity.

One of the most affected river is the San Juan, a former source of clean water for the local population.

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