Last conference in Kassel to conclude 2-years of the European Soil Project

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European Experential Learning Lab on Soil Science has come to its end

60 students from 7 different countries have met in Kassel, Germany, showing their soil projects!

From the Italian side, a group of students from the Scientific High School Majorana of Lucca came to Kassel. Manuel, Paolo and Yuri presented their "Soil History": how did the rural landscape change during the last century? Which kind of transformations on soil can we observe? Through maps analysis, field excercises , photos, precious personal stories, and involving locals into interviews, students rebuild the land use of the area of Capannori (LU).

The soil project run through local newspapers as "Lucca in Diretta".

These meeting was an amazing opportunities to discover the way in which european students addressed the problem of soil erosion, soil pollution, soil degradation and land use, shaping the real situation into a better solution toward a sustainable life!

We hope next generation will carried on the protection of soil, a resource that provides us lots of services such as food security, climate change adaptation and mitigation, energy transition and safe and clean drinking water.

Some important tips to keep protecting our soil:

  1. Awareness and capacity building  should be stimulated by connecting societal challenges with the soil system by showing examples. Training and capacity building for authorities on different levels is essential.
  2. Organizing cooperation between public authorities and stakeholders must be organized at local, regional, national and European levels.
  3. Creating networks of practice Creation of a network or Community of Practise on soil, land use and land management supports the transition by sharing experiences and best practices, raising awareness, development of instruments, sharing of dataand knowledge. Such a network should connect with existing networks such as the Common Forum on contaminated land, the European Landowners' Organisation, Farmer organisations, NGOs, citizen associations, cities platforms, joint programming initiatives as Facce, Water, Urban and Climate change, European Innovation Partnerships like EIP-Agri.
  4. Facilitating with instruments, information and knowledge.
  5. Monitoring programs on land use and soil degradation.

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