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Itinerant Multimedia Exhibition (EMI)

Gold fever and denied rights

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What is EMI and why support this innovative idea?

EMI is a multimedia path that, through photography, the projections of short films and documentaries, models and panels, debates and laboratories open to citizenship, reveals the socio-environmental reality that hides behind the objects of our well-being: smartphones, jewelery, PCs , tablets and televisions.

An opportunity to get to know what no mass communication means will ever show, but that affects us all as direct consumers of these raw materials that are extracted in America, Asia, Africa and that arrive in our homes, in our hands after having caused a war in Congo for coltan, a social conflict in Mexico for gold mining and having drained an aquifer in Morocco for washing silver.

An experience to discover a Dante's hell that winds through the rounds of environmental externalities, the expropriation of ancestral lands of indigenous peoples, violations of human rights, crime, prostitution, diseases, murders, and corruption between governments, criminal gangs and multinationals.

A journey seen through the eyes of those who suffer the imposition of a mine and those who defend the local populations from the abuses of the great mining giants. An experience that will make us reflect on the responsibilities of each of us to give a better end to these realities with activism, research, training and communication.

It is precisely through communication and information that this project wants to bring citizenship closer to issues that seem far away from us, but that actually have a lot to do with our lifestyles that need to be rethought and adapted based on to the principles of equality, ethics and sustainability.

>> EMI activities

The exhibition will travel through the cities of Milan, Pisa, Rome to INFORM and TRAIN through the active participation of citizens with:

# workshop on environment & human rights / What are the main human rights violated by mining companies? How can local communities be defended? What can we do? Vademecum of good practices!

# games for children about food sovereignty / The importance of values ​​of equality and solidarity between the global North and South / Group games on ethical and local consumption / Multinationals and the right to food in Guatemala.

# Workshops with students / "A mine in our smartphones": understanding the origin of minerals in our smartphones and what impacts they have on the other side of the world.

# meetings and debates on the subject

Why support this cause?

Mining involves the irreversible destruction of the environment with economic, social, cultural and health damages to the local populations, often indigenous, defenseless and voiceless in front of the large mining companies often supported in everything by local governments.

The aim of the exhibition is to make known the hidden consequences behind the extraction of minerals present in everyday objects (gold chains, rings, TV, PC, clocks, smartphones) and to awaken in the viewer the critical consumption through the affirmation of values ​​such as fairness, equality and solidarity between the global north and south.

What happens in the great mines of gold, silver and copper in Latin America, Africa and Asia is not news. While mining companies have profits of billions of dollars a year, there are entire regions that become poorer day after day due to the damage that mining activities generate in their ancestral territories: a phenomenon described by many economists as "the curse of resources natural. "

An exemplary case is represented by the Congo: an extremely rich territory in natural and mineral resources that are plundered, leaving the local communities at the mercy of armed groups and with high levels of environmental pollution.

How will we use the funds?

The project has a total cost of € 5,800: € 1,800 is the fund that we put, while € 4,000 is what we ask for, and which serves exclusively to cover the costs of:

* Printing and production of illustrative panels that will help the viewer to understand all the dynamics underlying the impacts of the mines. Four panels on various topics such as: water, biodiversity, local communities, and human rights.

* Print photographs and purchase frames to propose a photographic exhibition full of interesting shots

* Production of plastic models that show the change of landscape with the arrival of a gold mine. Models will be performed by the Architecture / Fine Arts students of Pisa.

* Mobility in Milan, Pisa and Rome for the EMI inauguration event which will include the following laboratory activities, debates and workshops. The exposure will remain stable in each city for at least 3 weeks. We will be present only during the first days of the inauguration.


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