SOURCE will participate in the FORUM in LIMA

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Public Forum "Studies in Populations Affected by Heavy Metals"

Laura Grassi (Source International) at the meeting in Lima.

The Commission of Andean, Amazonian and Afro-Peruvian Peoples, Environment and Ecology in co-organization with Red Muqui, Labor Center, SOURCE and the Municipality of Simón Bolívar extend the invitation to the Public Forum "Studies in Populations Affected by Heavy Metals" to be held this Thursday November 2 in Congress.

Studies will be presented to populations of adults, youth and children who suffer a health crisis due to exposure to heavy metals and other chemical substances. They live in a space, where their water sources are contaminated and environmental liabilities left by mining proliferate.

SOURCE International will present the study and the case on Cerro de Pasco, while other organizations will discuss the case of La Oroya, San Mateo and the impacts of environmental liabilities in the Upper Rímac River Basin. They will also be present in the Forum affected from these regions.

✪Day: November 2
✪Place: Congress of the Republic
✪Time: 2:30 PM

Admission is Free, CARRYING YOUR ID

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