Source's new project in Indonesia

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A landfill of mixed waste contaminates the rice fields and threatens the survival of local populations

In Indonesia we are working with the local organization EKOTON in the village of Lakardowo, in the East Java region. In 2010, a landfill site was opened in Lakardowo to collect hazardous waste from 1518 industries (including mines, oil and chemical industries) and hospitals.

The local community denounces that the pollution caused by the landfill has significantly increased skin diseases and eye diseases, and states that the accumulation of pollutants in the food chain is compromising their health.

Rice, grown in the areas surrounding the landfill, and which represents 80% of the diet of the Indonesian populations, is the vehicle of transmission of pollutants from the environment to humans.

The company defends itself by accusing the cause of these diseases to be traced back to the bad hygiene habits of local communities.

SOURCE analyzes the quality of water and rice. We also work with local communities to draft a document that clarifies the multiple violations of human rights.

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