Thanks to our support almost 10 million dollars a year in compensation for the Carrizalillo community

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Agreement signed between the Carrizalillo community and the Goldcorp mining company. Thanks to the support of Source International the community has obtained a conference recognizes, among other things:

• Land lease:
988 hectares of land at the price of 71,725.24 pesos per hectare for a total of 70,864,537.1 pesos per year, corresponding to 5,487,972.08 per year. In addition to 400 private parcels at the same price. The total rented area is 1,388 hectares for a final price of 99,554,633.1 pesos per year; which correspond to 7,709,823.13 dollars per year.
• Educational support:
31 scholarships for middle and high schools.
37 scholarships for university level.
2 scholarships for masters or doctorates.
• Support for disabled people:
90,000 pesos (about $ 7,000) a month to support people with disabilities.
• Family well-being:
150 handouts of basic products worth 500 pesos ($ 40) per month.
• Preservation of traditions:
90,000 pesos (about $ 7,000) each year for the preservation of popular culture.
• Support for environmental protection:
350,000 pesos (about $ 27,000) a year in monthly payments to protect the community's environment.
• Support for economic activities:
Recruitment of external work in private companies run by the community.
• Employment support:
Greater integration of work and greater union presence.
• Institutional strengthening:
200,000 pesos ($ 15,500) each year for the strengthening of the Ejido in addition to a van for public transport.
• Support for infrastructures:
7 million pesos (540,000 dollars) for improving the community's infrastructure.
• Environmental monitoring:
The company will deliver their environmental monitoring data to the community every three months. The community can appoint a team of technicians who will support it in this process.
• Health:
The company will pay two doctors to work in the community hospital for 24 hours a day.
• Closing plan:
The company will design a closure plan together with the community itself.

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