The case of Cerro de Pasco-Peru: a deep burial

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The video helps you understand why SOURCE INTERNATIONAL has been working on this case for more than 7 years.

An unprecedented condition internationally.

Art 1 of the Political Constitution of Peru "The defense of the human being and respect for human dignity are the main objective of society and of the State"

But in reality, for 90 years now, the State has consistently shown its incapacity in this important and founding objective of the Constitution of a Country. The needs and rights of citizens, preceded by interests of a purely economic nature, pass in the second plane.

Despite the evidence, acknowledged on several occasions by national and international media, reportages, scientific studies, the central government denies the problem and openly leans against its own citizens in defense of an industrial sector among the most contaminated and inhuman that exists.

We as a civil society, together with local grassroots organizations, and supported by supporters of the cause, will continue to defend the inhabitants of Cerro de Pasco from the endless abuses that the mining company and the Government are inflicting on them.

Everyone's help is essential to carry on this battle.

Even a small support is still valuable:

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