The District of Simón Bolívar and Chaupimarca have been declared in Sanitary Emergency

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The District of Simón Bolívar and Chaupimarca have been declared in Sanitary Emergency

Perù-Cerro de Pasco

People of Cerro de Pasco protested in Lima for almost a week chained in front of the Ministry of Health to highlight the bad and severe health situation linked with mining activities. Thanks to the protest they have reached a table of dialogue with the central government explained moreover the health study results that Source International has realized so far in the area.

These actions pushed to declare, on 23 th June, the district of Simon Bolivar and Chaupimarca in SANITARY EMERGENCY by the exposure to heavy metals. The purpose of the declaration is to provide  specialized care to the population exposed to heavy metals, including screening and medical care  for people who show signs of intoxication.

Furthermore the declaration impose the water treatment for drinkable uses. The document includes the following requirements:

  1. Implementation of Effective Health Policies, to care for the thousands of people affected by heavy metals (mainly children and girls);
  2. Immediate attention to the thirty-nine children exposed to heavy metals;
  3. Compliance with Law No. 29712 amends Law No. 26842, "General Law of health";
  4. Financing studies on soil and topography for the "Construction of the Detox Clinic - Toxicological Laboratory";
  5. About the Neoplastic Hospital Construction, the Health Minister will implement an Oncology Department in the Hospital Daniel Alcides Carrión in Cerro de Pasco;
  6. Diagnosis and identification of exposure to heavy metals of the population of Pasco (children, adolescents, the elderly and pregnant women) and  heavy metal poisoning, which could trigger in neoplastic diseases;
  7. Implementation in Cerro de Pasco of the Atlanta team of United States, for the diagnosis of 17 heavy metals;
  8. Presentation of guidelines and protocols for medical care to people exposed to heavy metals.

OEFA (Environmental Assessment and Oversight Agency)  and MINAM (Ministry of the Environment of Perù)
  • The OEFA undertakes to continue to monitor Oxidos de Pasco S.A.C., Activos Mineros S.A.C. and Empresa Administradora Cerro S.A.C,;
  • The OEFA and MINAM are committed to carry out the to the population of the district of Simón Bolívar a workshop to show the status of compliance of the preventive measures.
MINEM (Ministry of Energy and Mining) -AMSAC (Empresa Activos Mineros )
  • AMSAC presents to the Mayor of the District of Simón Bolívar, the technical doc for the Excélsior Closing Plan. Excelsior in a mining tailing of 56 milion tonnes of mining wastes accumulated there since 1956  with an extension of 293 hectares. The final cost will be of 144 milion of soles. The remediation step will be carry out between december 2017 and december 2019.
  • AMSAC will start the Remediation Plan of Quiulacocha (mining liquid waste) on september 2017.
MTC (Ministry of Transport and Communication)

MTC will implement the Districtal (Provincial) Urban Transport.

MVCS (Ministry of housing, construction and sanitation)

It is in charge of build 5 water projects.

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