They killed Berta but not her ideas! We ask protection for our friend Gustavo.

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On Thursday, March 3rd we lost our dear friend Berta Caceres.

Berta was killed for her battle to defend the environment and the life of her indigenous group Lenca, in Honduras.

We are deeply saddened by the tragic news of the murder of our friend. Source International’s staff know Berta since 2006 and we cooperate with her and her organization since we have been founded four years ago. Berta was a great woman and a sincere friend. Her struggle against mines and dams lead her indigenous community to preserve their environment and their health. Last year they finally put the word end to the very controversial project of Agua Zarca Dam and Berta was awarded with the prestigious Goldman Prize.

The killers not only kill Berta but they wounded our friend Gustavo Castro, who was sleeping in her house, as we do when we visit their community; because hospitality was always important for Berta.
Berta had been threatened in the last years but the government always deny her the protection she needed. Now we ask to the government of Honduras and Mexico to protect Gustavo Castro, member of our partners REMA, Otros Mundos and M4.
Please sign the urgent action to ask the protection of Gustavo.

We express our solidarity to her family and to all the COPINH and the family of Berta and all our Honduran friends.

They killed Berta but not her ideas. We will continue our fight!

This will be our way to remember her.


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