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Source International is the primary partner of the Center for Climate Crimes Analysis (CCCA) who deals with supporting judicial climate action.

The case study we submitted is about Cerro de Pasco, the mining city in Peruvian Andes, affected by decades of pollution and health diseases caused by mining activities.

We are working together with many other organizations and institutions like Amnesty International, Netherlands Forensic Institute, International Corporate Accountability Round Table, American Association for the Advancement of Science (“AAAS”), Cyber Environmental Law Enforcement (“CybELE”), the Human Rights Program of the University of Essex, Human Rights Center at the University of California Berkeley School of Law, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Centro de Cultura Popular LABOR and SITU.

CCCA submitted a report, with all data and information collected along last 10 years investigations of Source International, to the Council on Ethics for the Norwegian Pension Fund Global to contribute informing its position on whether the Pension Fund should divest from the corporation that own the absolute majority of mining company Volcan's voting shares.

You can read the full text here.

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