Source International's staff is coming back from Cerro de Pasco, Peru.
In the last month our staff was in Cerro de Pasco again to extend the investigation of the environmental impacts in the whole district of Simon Bolivar, affected by the recovery of mining activities after the lockdown of the last two years of the pandemic.
In the last few weeks:
We met the new municipal council of the Simon Bolivar District, part if the mining city of Cerro de Pasco, to whom we reiterated the urgency to stop any mining activities in the territory and to take care of the local population’s health through concrete actions.
We went in the field together with the new mayor and his staff, to showthem our work methodology.
We rose awareness on the importance of our last investigation and mission.
We worked intensely with local lawyers to better design the legal case
We collected more than ten soil samples in important sites to test heavy metals pollution in school gardens, playgrounds, agricultural soils (where local people grow maca, potato and quinoa) and pasture land for alpaca, lama, sheep and cows.
Sampling pasture soil in Tingo valley.
We also sampled soils in the surrounding of the Carhuamayo city, 40 km far from Cerro de Pasco, but not affected by mining activities, useful as background data
We monitored water quality in more than twenty sites across the districtof Simon Bolivar to check most important pollution indicators
We also collected twenty water samples in new strategic areas to assess sources of pollution in lakes, rivers, tap waters and mining wastewaters.
Sampling water.
The amount of data will be soon available to start the legal case early in 2023! We are finally ending (or better starting) this important chapter of justice movement for people and nature in Cerro de Pasco.
Beside all these efforts and strong actions, there is a small organization that it is trying to recover from the hard hit of the pandemic crisis. Donations are essential NOW, more than before, to help Source International to go ahead straight to this important final goal!
On 29th November, across the globe we will celebrate the GIVING TUESDAY, the most important day that encourages people to do good simply donating to a project or organization in which believe.
Are you ready to do something important together with us?