Workshop in México on human rights and mining impacts

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This project was realized thanks to the  “8×1000 Chiesa Valdese’s” funds

  • What’s going on in Miacatlan?

The whole  territory of Miacatlán, together with other 3 communities (Temixco, Xochitepec and Cuernavaca- the capital of Morelos state), is included in a mining concession by the canadian “Alamos Gold Company”. The project plans to destroy 2 mountains (see in the image below) in the area, to construct the open pit mine where silver and gold will be extracted.

Cerro del Jumil

Moreover a part of these 7 mining concession incorporates an archaelogical site, Xochicalco, belonging to the Epiclassic period (650-900 b.C), that will be affected by the detonation of mining operations. The Environmental Ministry rejected the first Envirnomental Impacts Assessment (E.I.A) because of lack of groundwater scarsity in the region, dust development near the airport and probable detruction of the archaelogical site of Xochicalco. Actually the canadian company sent the new E.I.A and it’s waiting the final response to open or not the mine.

Archaelogical site of Xochicalco, UNESCO Heritage

  • What is SOURCE doing there?

We worked together with our local partners: REMA (mexican network od people affected by mining impacts) and Movimiento Morelense contra las concesiones a tajo abierto (local activist against mining operation).  We organized a workshop with 16 local communities to train them to defend themselves from minif impacts on their health, territory and human rights. Working with an lawyer we proposed legal and not legal strategies to be adopted in their situation to obtain the recognition of their human rights to be consulted and informed before the approvation of a decision like the construction of a new mine in their territory.

Talking about social-economical mining impacts on communities based organization

Final meeting with distribution of participation attendence

  • What is following next?

The local participants will use the knowledge transmitted to obtain justice and the right recognition to be listened and respected. They could be replicate our workshop to the rest of their community, following spread the voice and the knowledge to be free to protect their environment and life. The event was a usefull opportunityfor them to meet new people with whom increase the network of environment defenders involved in the movement against the mine project and it represented an important chance for a new communities organization to defend their environment!

Active and constructive discussion between participants

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