Year-End Campaign è in corso! 29/5000 Year-End Campaign is underway!

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From the #GivingTuesday to the # Year-End Campaign!

December is the month of festivities and gifts.
Do you want to do something really positive and generous?

We have been working on the #CerroDe Pasco case for a year and we   are getting interesting changes from local and central administrations.

If you want to see an EPOCAL CHANGE with us ...

Support the cause!

For this month the donations do not include the cost of the operation, but above all, being hosted on the Global Giving online crowdfunding platform, we have the possibility of being selected to win $ 10,000 on the condition that 50 different DONORS donate to the Peru project.

Are you ready to join us?

Find out how to do it HERE

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