Year-End Campaign is started!

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End your year with a donation to Source International!
Your last year's donation up to December the 31st can be matched and it will help us to plan new goals for the 2020!

Last year we collected 3300 € between Giving Tuesday and Year-End Campaign and they have been used for the epidemiological study on the exposure to toxic metals of the population of Cerro de Pasco.

Friends and supporters: we ask you this year to not to give up!

You already supported us with more then 1500 € for 2019-Giving Tuesday, so we can do more than 2018 all together!




1. Meeting with the Health Chief Director of Pasco to share our results. We also informed communities and local authorities about our results on environment and health.

2. We published a report to the Norwegian Pension Fund to divest from the mining company who is operating in Cerro de Pasco.

3. We will Release a 3D online platform (public soon) to spread worldwide the case study.

Next goals

1. Pressure to others investors to suggest them to divest from the mining company.

2. More evidences of pollution and human intoxication for legal path.

3. We will develop a citizen science project with 30 students on water monitoring to empower young generation on environmental justice.

4. We will create a Youth Forum to give youth a voice and enable them to be actors of their future!

Help us with a donation now and share this generous gesture between your contacts and invite as many people as you can to do the same.

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Together we can make the difference!

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