Online Webinar on the Rubber Industry Case study in Liberia

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Towards the right to a healthy environment and safe drinking water throughout the agricultural commodity value chain – the case of natural rubber

Online discussion 24 February 2021, 16:00 – 17.30 CET

To mark the occasion of the 5th UN Environment Assembly and the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council, Swedwatch, Source International and Mighty Earth would like to invite you to an online conversation on the obligations of companies, states, and other relevant stakeholders in addressing environmental pollution in the production of agricultural commodities. Following the launch of a new report by Swedwatch and Source International on environmental and human rights impacts of natural rubber in Liberia, processing of rubber will be discussed as an example.

Natural rubber is one of the industrial agricultural commodities that is predominantly produced in the tropics and exported to developed countries. While the production of natural rubber provides a livelihood for millions of people in low- and middle-income countries, the production and primary processing of natural rubber can have severe negative impacts on the environment, and the human rights of local communities and workers when not managed responsibly and sustainably. In particular the different types of chemicals and additives used in rubber processing are known to contribute to environmental pollution, namely the pollution of waterways through release of wastewaters containing industrial chemicals. Other common environmental concerns documented includes odour from air pollution, disposal of hazardous waste, and noise pollution.

A healthy and sustainable environment is integral to the enjoyment of a wide range of human rights, including the rights to life, health, food, water, and sanitation. In order to fulfil the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 12 on ensuring sustainable patterns of consumption and production, it is essential to protect the right of local communities to a healthy environment. It is also essential to promote sustainable value chain governance by businesses.
The discussion will address key issues such as the importance of policy coherence, the integration of environmental standards in due diligence frameworks, and the critical role of access to informationin rights-based water resources management.

➢ David Boyd, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment
➢ Mercy Anthony, Natural Resource Women Platform, Liberia
➢ Flaviano Bianchini, Source International
➢ Margaret Kran-Annexstein, Mighty Earth and GPSNR Executive Committee member

➢ Hannah Peters, Swedwatch

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